FSC chain of custody certification provides credible assurance that products sold with FSC originate from well-managed forests, controlled sources, or reclaimed materials.
TMI was audited to the new FSC-STD-40-004-V3-1 standard. The new standard addresses company business practices in addition to the handling and tracking of chain of custody material. The FSC certificate is to be used with all submittals on FSC projects. To download the FSC CoC Certificate, please click the link:
In order to LABEL and SELL FSC products, all entities throughout the process are required to have FSC Chain of Custody.
Clink the link below to use the FSC dashboard. Search for TMI and competitors bidding FSC certified projects.
To see listings of other TMI certifications, please click here:
FSC Website click here: Home | Forest Stewardship Council (fsc.org)